Quick internet sharing - Laptop to mobile

Hey all, If you want to share your Laptop internet with your mobile device without using any third party tool & that too in couple of steps, yeah, very quickly ;), then follow the below given steps. Step 1. Open Command Prompt, as an Administrator, Step 2. Enter below given commands. Command 1. netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=abcd key=10 Digit Key Note : ssid can be any name which will get displayed as wifi network. Key can be any 10 Digit numbers. For Ex. 0000000000 Command 2. netsh wlan start hostednetwork Step 3. Go to the properties of your Local Area Connection which is connected to the Internet. Then Click on Sharing tab And select the check box under "Internet connection sharing". Now Select the network which we created using commands. [here, abcd ]. Click OK Done ;) Now you can Join the wifi internet from your mobile device.